

News HighlightsRabbi Adina Allen in eJP: “Times of Challenge Call for Creativity”

Community Blog A Vote for Jewish Parenting from a Humanist Dad

Parenting is such a rich, beautiful, and convoluted experience. There鈥檚 nothin...

Community Blog Speaking Torah: We who are the gardeners are also the garden

This season of the Omer, when we literally count the days from Passover to Shavu...

Leviticus Teaching at the Edge of Mystery

Parshat Shemini (Leviticus 9:1-11:47) On a Tuesday towards the end of last summe...

Leviticus On Partial Truths

Parasha for the 聽Last Day of Pesach A fire and brimstone Christian preacher onc...

Community Blog Speaking Torah: Our Children Are Leading the Way

Last Shabbat, in cities across the United States, hundreds and hundreds of thous...

Community Blog Parenting Is A Work in Progress

From the time we were married, my husband and I committed to raising a Jewish fa...